December 4th, 2023
I remember a time when the word movie and film actually meant something. Akin to the how an artistic image was a photograph, and painting a painting, music as music. Film has been devalued. In our current “creative economy,” we have taken the terms “Film” “movie” and placed in an animous category. That category is called “content” by modern voices. In a changing economy we have equated the act of hundreds of individuals to create moving images that tell a grand narrative whether in 2 hours or 10 hours as in a tv show and made it the same as a 10 second clip we see in a social media video. The word content should be taken back by those creating the quick piece of entertainment, and those who create visual stories that equate a novel should own the terms “motion Picture” “film” “movie” “Tv Show.” In this increasingly decentralized world, one of the negative aspects to it is the fact that an artist doesn’t seem to be able to celebrate their creation. We are not allowed to “demain” other forms of entertainment. This statement comes from the fact that to call a film a film is demeaning to the 10 second story, It is abosolutely not the case. We should respect the 10 second piece of entertainment, but the long form was created with more resources and hence it should be viewed with the respect it deserves. At the end of the day, we must realize the term content was created by executives and not by artists. If we make films we should be proud of what we do and stand in our two feet.
-Camilo Diaz